Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reflection on Psalm 36:10 (Br Jude David)

As a young boy, I used to enjoy going for walks in the estate I used to live in. One particular house used to fascinate me and I called this house, the “Purple house” because all the lights in this house were purple coloured. At nights, the whole house would have a purple glow to it which could be spotted from a distance and when one got closer and peeped in, everything in the house would look purple because of the lighting. Indeed, the light that fills a house affects the appearance of everything in it. In Psalm 36:10, the psalmist reminds us that in God’s light we see light. When God’s light fills our “house”, then, everything in it will be “coloured” by God’s presence. What is the type of light that fills your “house”?

The challenge for each of us is to allow God’s light to shine in our “house” which is our inner being that becomes the doorway for each of us to encounter the world. When we are filled with the light of God, then everything we encounter becomes touched by the presence of God. We will then be able to find God in all things. All of creation sings the glory of God and even our sufferings become powerfully redemptive.

When we are filled with the light of God, we also become light for the world for we become lanterns that carry the light of Christ into a darkened world that is longing for the dawn of new day. We become bearers of light, peace and joy – in short, we become messengers of Good News and prophets of the coming Kingdom of God. Let us pray for the grace to be constantly illuminated by the grace of God!

Jesus, you are the light of the world! Come and be my light so that I may be your light in the darkness of the world I live in. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!


Stay tuned for the next post by Br Terence Kesavan on 09th Aug 2010.

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