Monday, November 23, 2009

Reflections on Psalm 26 (Bro Gregory Chan)

In my younger days, when I still attended university, there were many public lectures. One of those lectures intrigued me. It was on “How to Write a Good Love Letter.” I still remember what the lecturer said: A good love letter had to be warm, sincere, humourous and vibrant. It used language which was vivid and imaginative. I remember one sample he read out: “Our love has the sweetness of freshly mown grass…”

I must confess I didn’t know at that time what freshly mown grass smelt like. Recently, I got acquainted with the lawn mower during Manual Labour. Now, I must admit that I’m not very good with the lawn mover and have only seen moderate success. However, I never fail to take the opportunity to smell what freshly mown grass is like. It has a fragrance, a freshness all of its own. Of course, it won’t be the same two days later.

My question is: does our love for the Lord have a freshness, a fragrance all of its own? Does it spring ever new? Or is it lost after a while, dried up and turning brown?

The Psalms this evening speak of a longing, a yearning for the Lord, to “savour” His “sweetness”, to “behold his holy temple”. (Psalm 26) Let our love for the Lord be ever new, fresh and fragrant always.


Stay tuned for the next post by Bro Jovita Ho on 25th Nov 2009.

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