Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reflections on Ps 107 (Bro David Arulanatham)

"My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready"

Each time I pray this psalm, this first line draws me to the scene in the movie, ‘The passion”. In this scene Jesus is bound and tied to the pillar and the scourging has just began when Jesus looks up in pain and sorrow and utters this words, “my heart is ready” Entering into the scene I ask myself, ‘am I ready?’ do I have the readiness to do the will of the Father.

I suppose it is when one is able to completely trust in the Lord then one becomes ever ready, no matter what, where, who or when. It is because of her trust in the Lord that the poor widow who had nothing more then the two copper coins to drop it in the treasury of the temple. Likewise the saints and prophets have gone beyond their self to do things all for the sake of the glory of God.

Trusting God is a virtue is not one that comes just like that or by our own strength but by looking deeper into ourselves to discover again the areas of our life where God has reached out and touched us and to continually pray for the grace of God for us to be able to put our whole trust in him.

Finding the trust, we are bound to loose it in difficult, challenging and trying moments of our life but keep at it and you will never loose it again.

My reflection also led to the point of my life when I was at the almost end of my discernment journey to join the seminary when I was rather troubled into saying my ‘yes’ because I was looking at people and priest in my life whom form my point were a failure in their ministry. I was worried that my enthusiasm and drive will also fail, leaving me in a similar quandary. It was this time a close friend who had given me her listening ear, told me to say the ‘yes’ only if I felt I had the capability to make a difference.

It was then I discovered that I who was made in the image and likeness of God, made a little less than a god (Psalm 8) was unique in my own way and God had graced me with certain charisms that surely would empower me if I continue to share this intimate relationship with him in prayer and in dependency of Him.

Therefore, to be ready means being able to place our whole trust in Him and finding out who we really are and live it to the fullest.

Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, let go and let God.


Stay tuned for the next post by Bro Joseph Zhang on 13th Nov 2009.

[The Blogmaster would like to apologise for the late posting of the above article.]

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