Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reflections and Thoughts (Br Gabriel Wong)

After reading Bro Cornelius’s latest blog entry, I am pretty much inclined to ask myself, “How in the world did I get here?” Hmm, I guess I can gloat about myself. I can list down all the virtues, which I think I have. Maybe, I can even throw in a few good saintly characteristics. No one will know whether I am lying or not. After all, this is my blog entry. I can write what I want. Someday, someone may use this blog entry as reason for canonization?

Nah. Who am I kidding? The amazing fact is that I am pretty much flawed, and yet felt so much loved by God. That is why I am here in the first place. The man in the story, which is shared by Bro Cornelius, tried so hard to validate his entry into heaven by listing out his own merits. However, it is only revealed through the punch line of that story that it is only due to God’s grace. Good sharing there, Bro Cornelius!

This is my last entry for this year. This will be the last time I will ever walk in the passage way of the seminary as an Initiation Year brother. Philosophy Years beckon. As most…No, ALL of my older brothers have said, this will be the last time in which I will enjoy so much free time in the seminary. I guess being at the bottom of the “food chain” can be rather enjoyable this year. I have no major tasks to do within the community. It is really great having older brothers around. They have an amazing knack of making themselves useful.

They affirmed you.
They praised you.
They corrected you.
They cautioned you.
They are there for you.

As the only child and the son of a widow, I always yearn to be in a big family. God is amazing. He gives me brothers and daddies.

A daddy, who is crazy about the Spirit, shares with you so readily on his passion for God.
Another daddy, who is crazy about the teaching of Jesus, prays with you at night and makes himself so readily available for you.
The other daddy, who is crazy about the Word of God, teaches you a sport and never fails to bring goodies to the dining table.
A daddy, who is crazy about knowledge, shares so readily on his own experience to encourage you.
The newest daddy, who is crazy about the creation of God and salvation history, spends long hours to listen to the crabby you.

I have some brothers as well, who are crazy about Christ and His Church. Where can you find brothers like this?

Brother, who is so moved by the Spirit and passionate about youth work, endures your nonsense with a smile.
Brother, who has a knack of making you laugh, willingly coaches you at sport and in life.
Brother, who is very logical and generous, takes walks with you to help you to understand about seminary life.
Brother, who is so passionate about reaching out to the flock, selflessly spent long hours to converse with you and listen to you.
Brother, who is very open, is not afraid to share his own past with you to help you to overcome your past hurts.
Brother, who is so talented in design, forgives you easily in matters in which you make mistakes.
Brother, who is gifted in music, readily expresses his care for you as easily as he sings in parts.
Brother, who is so passionate about vocation, is unafraid to correct you when you are wrong.
Brother, who makes jokes to make you feel comfortable, makes an effort to drive you around even when he is tired.
Brother, who is incapable of deceit, takes time off his own personal time to show you around schools to let you understand the importance of a catholic education.
Brother, who is humble, readily uses his own free time to serve the community and freely share his knowledge with you.
Brother, who has a knack for cleaning up huge mess, affirms you readily.
Brother, who is kind in leadership, drives you to clinics if illness strikes.
Brother, who is so caring, transcends his own needs to rest by waking up early to prepare food for you and make herbal tea for the sickly you.
Brother, who is genuine, gives advice to you every step of the way.
Brother, who is gifted in storytelling, shares with you stories to remind you about the love of Christ and makes effort to be there for you in his own quiet fashion.

Lord, I love it here. Thank you so much for the abundant blessings you have given me. Thank you for this beautiful vocation.

I love You.

Stay tuned for the last post of the year by Br Nicholas Lye on 27th Nov 2010.

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