Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reflections on Ps 100 & Phil 2:6-11 (Br Peter Anthoney)

Integrity is doing the right thing,
even if nobody is watching…

There was a King who wanting to find someone to take over his reign, someone who not only was able and intelligent but one who was trustworthy and held on to the virtue of integrity. Therefore, he summoned some of his wise young men and gave each of them a seed. They were to sow the seed and bring back the plant that grows from the seed a month later. A month later every one of them except for one returned with a healthy, lush green and well-grown plant. This exceptional one young man presented himself looking rather sad and disappointed with a pot that showed no sign of any form of growth.

With much fear he trembled to say that he tried very hard but his seed simply would not germinate. Everyone in the king’s court was watching him and the king closely waiting for the king to react to him. However, to their amazement the king welcomed this young man to his side and announced that the seeds that he had given all of them were boiled seed. They were actually dead seed. As such it was impossible for any germination to take place. All of them with their healthy, lush green and well-grown plant were undeniably dishonest and lacked integrity. He praised this young man for his integrity, humility and courage and appointed him to take over his reign as king of that country.

Like the psalmist of psalm says

“I look to the faithful in the land
that they may dwell with me.
He who walks in the way of perfection
shall be my friend”

Psalm 100(101): 6

Like the young man who exercised integrity, humility and courage in the task assigned to him we too are called to follow our Lord Jesus Christ who showered love, peace, joy and hope on us to continue his mission with faithfulness and integrity. Our call is not a call to be successful or to be attractive for the Lord but a call that will lead us to become naked in truth, humility and faithfulness before God and his people.

Our leadership role must take on the virtues of Christ who is ‘the’ perfect model who was truly a servant king.

Though he was in the form of God … He emptied himself taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of man And being found in the human form, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even death on the cross…

As St. Paul says in his letter to the Philippians (2: 6-11), there is a need for us to let go of ourselves and embrace the cross to become faithful and virtuous before our Lord and his people. God is forever inviting us to his presence, to be ‘His’ , so let us start living our life of faithfulness by keeping his commandments and embrace the virtues of humility, integrity and obedience. Let each and every one of us pray for the grace of His mercy and justice to prevail among us, to mould and shape us according to His will for us.


Stay tuned for the next post by Br Anthony Liew on 14th Oct 2010.

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