Friday, April 23, 2010

Reflections on Ps 99 (Br Benedict Chng)

The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength

“Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth
Serve the Lord with gladness
Come before him, singing for joy” …. Psalm 99

This morning, I share the same sentiment as the psalmist of 99 where he finds strength in the joy of the Lord.

The Lord showed me in these words of the psalmist that my level of joy is like a thermometer revealing my spiritual strength. If my joy is low -- my spiritual strength is low. That is because the Lord is my strength, and in His presence there is fullness of joy.

If our joy is low, it means we have not been spending time in God's presence, receiving His strength and help. It means we have got our focus off God and onto something else.

Being gloomy is not a sign of being spiritual. God did not intend for His people to be downcast. Let the world be sad, we have something to rejoice that is Christ is risen!

If you look at your circumstances you may not feel like rejoicing. But if you look at Jesus as He truly is -- you will not be able to keep from rejoicing in Him. Jesus is wonderful!

Let us draw strength in the joy of the Lord in this day.


Stay tuned for the next post by Br Edward Seah on 25th Apr 2010.

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