Tuesday, May 31, 2011
We are moving...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Reflection: Butterfly Wings (Br Nicholas Lye)
During one of my morning Holy Hour with the Lord, I was presented with an image of myself curled up in the huge, comforting hands of God. He cupped me so tenderly in His hands as if to protect me from danger, and keep me safe from harm, allowing me to seek refuge in His loving hands, and be unconcerned with the storms of the world outside, at least even if for just that time of adoration with Him.
Then the image progressed where I saw myself turning into a cocoon, all wrapped up in silk, still cupped in my Father's hands. As I struggled to free myself from the silky threads, it reminded me of the unwanted struggles I faced in life, along with the frustrations, resentment, and anger that brewed within me when I felt as if I was trapped and unable to free myself from the undesired circumstances that bound me together. What I never realised till I saw this image, was that all this time while I was struggling, I was still cupped in the safe hands of God. Even while I was struggling through life and felt as if God was so far away, I was actually still in His hands, where He continues to watch over me, protect me from unnecessary danger, and only allow that level of struggle that was sufficient enough to help me grow in strength, patience, and perseverance.
As I learnt from the famous story of a man trying to cut open the cocoon in order to 'make things easier' for the butterfly to come out, the restricting cocoon and the struggle to get out of the cocoon was a way of forcing fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight once that was achieved. Without the struggle, though the butterfly may emerge from its cocoon more easily, it would be left with a swollen body and shrivelled wings.
Back to my image, when I finally saw myself struggling out of the cocoon, and emerging with big, strong, colourful and beautiful wings, I saw God the Father, still cupping me in His hands, with a great, big and proud smile on His face. And He told me, I have created you, with the intention of giving you big and beautiful wings. And it is because you struggled, yet never gave up, that you now receive this pair of wings. It is yours. Be proud of it. Claim it. Embrace it. And now fly free into the world and let the world see my beauty through you and your pair of wings. Never doubt your true potential. Never fear what I have given you. For no butterfly can ever hide the beauty in their wings. They were meant to bring joy to the world just by simply flying freely in the world. And so were you meant to live freely and bring my joy to the world.
May you too recognise the Father's hands cradling you during your times of struggle, preparing you for the butterfly wings He intends to give you. And when you recognise the beautiful wings He has given you, don't be afraid of them. Claim them. Embrace them. And be proud of them, believing in its great potential for God to do great things through them. And fly free. Spread your wings and fly. So that with each of us spreading our own unique, God-given wings, we may collectively let the world be overwhelmed by the love of our Father through our butterfly wings.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Reflection: Mercy and Faithfulness (Br Simon Anand)
Righteousness and Peace have embraced.
(An alternative translation substitutes “Faithfulness” with “Truth”. I have adopted it to be more apt for my sharing.)
This phrase in the psalmist’s romantic writing presents a necessary and sound amalgamation of the two major faculties of a human person: the Head and the Heart. Many theologians term the head as the Intellect and the heart as the Will in most of their works.
There is an important parellism in God’s creation. Everything comes in pairs to complement each other, eventually resulting in completion or fullness. In the Old Testament, we see the pillar of cloud in the day and the pillar of fire at night signifying the presence of God throughout the whole 24 hours. Another ideal example to expound this value of parallelism is our respiratory system. It is complete because we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. They are two extremes possessing two different substantial natures yet they always remain complementing each other. Amongst all these, man and woman are viewed as two great extremes complementing each other which is vividly manifested in the Sacrament of the church - Holy Matrimony.

As when a man meets his “significant other”, he can’t but express his love in gestures which could involve hugs and kisses. Likewise, the meeting of Mercy and Faithfulness certainly results in Righteousness (justice) and Peace. One whose merciful heart, that has been integrated with the Truth will never but live justly and righteously. The man, who has been recently elevated to blessedness, late Pope John Paul II has advocated this virtue by his own life on earth. Incontrovertibly, he was a man with a heart of gold; merciful and compassionate particularly towards woman and youth. The inauguration of the World Youth Day and promotion of moral values in emancipating woman in the society precisely by canonizing many female saints during his papacy communicate the depth of his passion for these groups. Nevertheless, he was not driven by mere emotions until he had to close an eye to the increasing contemporary evil. Many extreme feminists fought for equal rights between man and woman which effectuated in promoting pro-choice, abortion and contraception. On another extreme, the newer generation emerged in neo-philosophical tenets to view life differently from the traditional viewpoint. Pre-marital sex, atheism and agnosticism, substance abuses were all perceived as compulsory aspects of human formation process. He, John Paul II, never condoned but attacked it with the Truth the church teaches, the Truth in his head. Being a philosopher himself, he preached the gospel of Human Life and its dignity loud and clear. In no way has he ever promoted evil that sometimes arise from nowhere but within our pseudo-feelings. His heroic life on earth was the product of harmony between being a man of feelings and a man of knowledge which has now led him to a greater life in the other world. It goes without saying, that he was the image of Righteousness and Peace for whomsoever had encountered him.
Let us pray that we too will never fail to thirst for the knowledge of Him in our lives while our hearts are forever drawn to those who are merciful and in special need of mercy. May we always treasure and appreciate the two faculties in us that distinguish us from all other creation and never cease to praise Him for sharing His life with us. Alleluia!!!!
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Nicholas Lye on 5th May 2011.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Reflection on Psalm 74 (Br Gabriel Wong)
Yours is the day and yours the night,
you caused sun and light to exist,
you fixed all the boundaries of the earth,
you created summer and winter.
Psalm 74:16-17
Do I know this?
Do I truly know who the boss in my life is?
Do I ask and rely on God in my daily living?
In the face of the contradiction between the ways of the world and Gospel values, have I lost heart?
When everything in this world shouts of threats and foolishness, where does my true loyalty lie?
Arise, God, champion your own cause,
and remember how fools blaspheme you all day long!
Do not forget the shouting of your enemies,
the ever-mounting uproar of your adversaries.
Psalm 74:22-23
Am I aware that He is listening to our prayer this very instance? I try hard to talk to the other self, who doubts so easily at times. I have to meet him halfway at times and not to talk high up on the pedestal. I have to talk to him in terms of my limited knowledge. The other self falls so easily and the Gospel values seem at times so unreal. The other self demands for tangible answers, and craves insurance from the trials of tomorrow.
How can I make the other self see beyond this material world, and set his eyes solely on an eventual judgment?
How can I convince him that judgment will be accompanied with much grace, which flows into eternity?
His Holiness, Pope Benedict, is right. In his “Light of the World”, I know that I have much to grow in faith and knowledge to help the other self in breaking through my sound barrier of finitude.
Help us, Lord, to break this barrier and set our eyes beyond the flesh.
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Simon Anand on 3rd May 2011.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Reflection: Easter (Br Joachim Robert)

There was this crazy man who wanted to control the movement of the Sun so he could continue sleeping and not be disturbed. He thought for a long time and came up with an idea which he thought was brilliant. He said to himself, "I will go up to the mountain and tell the Sun not to rise tomorrow."
So he hurriedly climbed up to the mountain before sunset to meet the Sun. Upon arriving there, he told the sun, “You must not rise tomorrow.”
The next morning the sun rose beautifully and shone as it usually did. Upon seeing the sun, the man got angry and ran back to his home, closed all the door and windows and covered all the holes so that he can be in darkness.

Christ has ransomed us with his blood,
and paid for us the price of Adam's sin
to our eternal Father!
This is our Passover feast,
when Christ, the true Lamb, is slain,
whose blood consecrates the homes of all believers.
Jesus Christ has truly risen like the Sun in the story but do we really and truly believe that Jesus has done all this out of his love for us or are we still in our slumber….?
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Gabriel Wong on 1st May 2011.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Reflection: Holy Week (Br Terence Kesavan)
Yesterday's reading (Jn 20:11-18) about Mary Magdalene's encounter with the Risen Lord reminded me of my experience at this year's Easter Vigil.
Before the Liturgy of the Light, everyone was gathered around the fire at the entrance of the church. I was standing with the Fr Brian and the Altar Servers, waiting for it to start. I looked around and saw a priest in his chasuble standing at the back. I didn't recognise him, and I thought it must be a visiting priest come to join in the celebration. So I went up to him and said "Father, we are about to start, would you like to join us near the fire. He gave a laugh and said "It is me lah!". Then I realised that it was Fr Bosco. He had shaven his head and beard. He looked totally different.
I have heard that Fr Bosco had done this before during Easter, but still the sight before me left me in shock. I found myself staring trying to figure out how the hair and beard could change one's appearance so drastically. I recalled the Mas Selamat posters with him in a beard and clean shaven, and it did not look so different.
Back to yesterday's reading. As I compared Mary Magdalene's experience of the Risen Lord, with my encounter with Fr Bosco's new look, I realised the similarities.
Mary was looking for the dead Jesus' body. I was also expecting a bearded Fr Bosco, the one I was used to.
Mary recognised Jesus when he called her. I also recognised Fr Bosco by his voice, when he said "it is I lah!".
Mary would probably have known that Jesus had said that he would rise on the third day. I knew that Fr Bosco had previously shaved his head for Easter, and many people did not recognise him, and yet when I saw him, it didn't cross my mind.
Looking forward to the last day when I brought before Christ, I know that this scenario will play itself out again.
Though I know that Christ will be different from what I imagine him to be, I will still be clinging on to my image of what Christ should look like, and may not recognise him. I just pray and hope that when that day comes, I will be able to recognise his voice when he says to me, "It is Me lah!."
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Joachim Robert on 29th Apr 2011.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Seminary Mid-Term Break
Thank you and God Bless !
The Blogmaster
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Reflection: Christ be our LIGHT (Br Anthony Liew)
Whenever people are facing difficulties, they may seem to think that there is no way for them to come out from these difficulties. They tend to imagine themselves in the dark moments of their lives. As a result, they will try every means desperately to cope with their difficulties. Some seek help from fortune tellers; some try their luck through lottery; some even go for 'Ah Long' (loan shark) or other means which eventually cannot solve their difficulties.
We will not be able to come out from our difficulties unless we turn to Jesus our saviour. It may sound unrealistic to the world. Yet for us His believers, Jesus is the Lord who loves us and gives us Hope in the dark moments of our lives. Similarly in the eyes of the world, the passion and death of Jesus were His darkest moments of His life. Yet, He shows us His believers that His resurrection brings us hope. Indeed, passion and death without resurrection is tragedy. Jesus Christ, who has died and resurrected, is the light that shines in the darkness. He shows us the way when the world says to us that there is no way. Indeed, “anyone who follows me will not be walking in the darkness; he will have the light of life,” says the Lord.
As we are approaching Holy week, let us not only anticipate Christ’s passion and death, but above all His resurrection which gives us sure hope for all who have faith in Him. He will not put us down if we believe in Him. He is the light that the darkness cannot overcome – even the darkness of death! Let us continue to ask ourselves, “How can I be another Christ to bring His light to those who lives in darkness?” Indeed, there are many wounded souls who are unable to come out of their darkness unless they receive the light of Christ and are touched by His love.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Reflection: Work in Progress (Br Jude David)

“My Father still goes on working, and I am at work, too.” (John 5:17)
Amidst the many challenges and difficulties of life, it is easy to wonder where God is in all this. When we encounter difficult people who seem to constantly get on our nerves, when we have been praying for situations in our lives which doesn’t seem to be resolved even after much perseverance or when we constantly have to face our own brokenness and sinfulness as we are often do when we go deep within ourselves during this holy season of Lent, it is easy to wonder if there is any hope in all this ever being put in order.
Jesus’ declaration that the Father goes on working and so does he in John 5:17 is a strong statement that should give all who are growing weary and burdened in life much hope because God’s work is still in progress. God is the one who has the final say in our lives and it is not over until He says so. As difficult as it may be for us to truly grasp the fact that God is at work in our lives amidst the darkness and gloom, we have to trust that we can hold Him by His Word and believe that He is truly at work in our ordinary lives.
The most silent moment in the life of Jesus was when he hung lifeless on the cross of Calvary. His last words were, “It is accomplished”. Indeed, his salvific work is accomplished upon the cross of Calvary and we will revel in this victory in the days to come when Christian all over will celebrate the passion and death of our Lord on Good Friday. However, the Church also reminds us that even at his death, our Lord descended to the dead where he preached the Good News to all who were awaiting the Good News of salvation. The Father goes on working even whilst his Son slept in the silence of the tomb because He vindicated him on that Easter morning when he rose glorious from the dead. Indeed, we can be sure that even the pain and gloom of Holy Week, there was not a moment when God was not at work. The ancients believed that if God were to stop “working” even for a second, the whole world would crumble upon itself because it is God who continues to sustain the world and hold it in existence.
Thus, as we approach Holy Week, we can take heart that God is certainly at work in our lives even amidst the mundane routines that may overtake Holy Week. God is at work and maybe, if we stopped for a moment and realise the gravity of this fact, we would then realise that we are indeed work-in progress and thus, there is always hope. We are not the only work-in-progress but so are our spouses, our children, our parents, our in-laws, our colleagues, our neighbours and most importantly, so are our enemies. God is at work in every person’s lives and what hope this must stir up in all of us.
Let us take heart in the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians, “Keep on working, with fear and trembling, to complete your salvation, for God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose.” (Phil 12b -13)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Reflection: Not Just Renewed But Made New (Br Jovita Ho)
Ephesians 4:23-24
Some time ago, one of my friends remarked that he is convinced that God loves him as he is, and since he is loved as such, thus there is no need for him to be changed. I agreed with his first half of his statement but the second half I begged to differ.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Reflection: Anniversary of the Vatican's Official Recognition of the Jewish Holocaust (Br Gregory Chan)

Monday, April 4, 2011
Reflection: Recalling my CER experience as I pray Psalm 107 (Br Edward Seah)

I entered the CER asking myself if my heart was indeed ready. For if I was, my soul will be awakened and I will be able to sing praise and thanks to the Lord. I will experience the inner conversion of my heart, soul and mind leading to a deeper intimacy with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
There were many things that happened in the CER which really touched me. But one very significant thing which impressed on me and moved my heart so deeply was the very inspiring Christian witnessing I experienced in the people who serve in the different ministries at the Catholic Spirituality Centre. I observed that they were very clear about their focus which was to give glory to God alone! And that seemed to be where their hearts are. During the praise and worship session, I was touched many times when I noticed that the St Jude’s Choir members were so focused on praising God and were not out to seek attention for themselves. They fulfilled their role excellently as they were able to encourage and move the participants to do the same: to be fully engaged in worshipping the Lord through songs and reflections. On a few occasions, when some of us participants got a little distracted with the self, I could see the gentle efforts the music leaders made in steering their attention solely to the Lord. The gifts of humility and counsel these stewards of Christ had were joyfully and generously used in gently directing the participants to always honour, give glory, give thanks and praise to the Lord. They set good living examples of Christians who seek to decrease so that Christ may increase. They themselves have been touched by the Lord and in turn consistently assisted us in preparing our hearts to be touched by the heart of Jesus.
The second stanza of this Psalm in the Divine Office: ‘O God, arise above the heaven; may your glory shine on earth!’ reminded me of the song which we sang so loudly and deeply: ‘Be exalted O God, above the heavens. And your glory be over all the earth.’ Personally, this song was like the anthem of this retreat for me because we spent a considerable amount of time exalting the Lord for his incomprehensible love for us.
May God continue to bless abundantly the people who serve in the Catholic Spirituality Centre so that they will continue to radiate God’s love and mercy to all who come into contact with them and together cooperate with the Spirit of the Living God in renewing the face of the earth!
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Gregory Chan on 6th Apr 2011.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Reflection on Psalm 150 (Br Benedict Chng)
Likewise for us, Psalm 150 is the last psalm in the book. And the psalmist ends with a final solemn doxology of the whole Psalter with full orchestra and accompaniment. The book of Psalms is like the play which I described - there are times of rejoicing and despairing, doubts and fear, rising and falling, success and obstacles. But all in all the book of Psalms encourages us to worship and praise God.
So how can we truly praise God today? We can truly praise God only when we see his full greatness and goodness. I invite you to recollect and meditate on your God moment, be it in creation or redemption. In this way, our praise becomes a powerful response of the heart expressing joy, gratitude and the desire for communion with our Lord. And as we make our way to our own respective work place, let us also remember to extend and share our God experience, God’s love and joy to those we meet.
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Edward Seah on 4th Apr 2011.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Reflection: Am I the Big “C” or the Big “G”? (Br Alphonsus Dominic)
About two years ago, I met this young lady Cecelia (not her real name). In getting to know her, I realised that she was always complaining, never satisfied or appreciative about anything or anyone, whether be it her family, friends, colleagues and even her ministry members. Even if it was to her benefit, she would still find fault with something to just complain about. Her friends nicknamed her the big “C” (big complainer)
Recently, I met her again. To my surprise, I saw a complete transformation in her. She no longer grumbled or complained. I affirmed and complemented her for her positive outlook of life and inquired the reason for her transformation.
She then shared with me that she went on a mission trip to India and there stayed with the Missionaries of Charity. In her two weeks stay, she realised how blessed she was compared to the sick and the destitute. She came to realise how good God was to her and His love for her. Despite her perpetual complaints and lack of gratitude and appreciation of God’s goodness to her through the events and people in her life, God has always been faithful and blessed her.
Reflecting on Cecelia’s transformation from the big “C” to big “G” (gratitude), let us look at ourselves today, how often do we also complain when things do not go our way? Are we grateful for what God has blessed us with – the gifts, the talents, the comfortable way we live, for the people around us in our life who love and support us? Let us be encouraged us to give thanks and praise to God. Let us be reminded of the Lord’s goodness for His love for us endures forever. Let us be encouraged to always praise God for His greatness and His mighty works of blessings. Let us remember this awesome God of ours who loves, consoles, affirms and blesses us in abundance despite our lack of gratitude.
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Benedict Chng on 2nd Apr 2011.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Reflection: On the Road to Victory (Br Samuel Lim)
When we come across a cross-junction and are faced with a few paths to choose from, our immediate intuition tends to make us choose the path that is the easiest and most pleasurable, automatically rejecting those paths that involve inconveniences and difficulties.
Towards the end of Jesus’ public ministry, we read in the Gospels:
Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, and on the way he took the Twelve to one side and said to them, “Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man is about to be handed over to the chief priests and scribes. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the pagans to be mocked and scourged and crucified; and on the third day he will rise again.”
Matt 20:17-19
Jesus willingly continued his way to
When I was a little boy, I enjoyed family holidays. I remember going to
Jesus, although he knew he would not enjoy any moment of it, willingly went through those pains and sufferings because he was convinced of his purpose (to show the depth of God’s love for humanity) and end (that he would rise again on the third day – Matt 20:19).
In life we come face to face with many difficult and painful situations. Nobody wants to go through these but we know most of these are inevitable. But how we go through these and how we make sense of life are determined by knowing our purpose and end. Just to mention briefly, our ultimate purpose is to love [cf. Matt 22:37-39] and our end is to be in relationship with God [cf. John 17:3]. However, my reflection is not about our destination but our journey, and the importance of our knowing our destination since that essentially changes our journey.
Recently, I was just talking to a young man who wants to make some radical decisions to commit his life to God. But saying ‘Yes’ to God entails saying ‘No’ to many other aspects of his life and all these No’s have their own difficult consequences – and he is experiencing all these consequences. Going through all these is painful, but how much more painful it is if he cannot see the purpose and the end of where he’s headed to. In times like these, one is invited to be single-minded and whole-hearted, to focus on the essentials and most importantly not to lose sight of Jesus for he is our ultimate reason and he is the one who is seeing us through.
“I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13.
Jesus is not only our ultimate destination; he walks with us every step of the way. So choose life, choose Christ!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Reflection: Mary and the Lenten Practices (Br Joseph Zhang)
The first lesson we can learn from Mary is her sensitivity to others’ need. Before we do any charitable deeds to anyone, first we need to be aware of their need. Mary was so sensitive to others’ needs. When she heard that her cousin, in her old age, had conceived and in her sixth month, she realized her cousin’s need. Immediately she rose up and went to serve her.

There are many needy people around us if we open our eyes and see. They may be one of our family members, or one of our relatives, or one of our neighbours. They need people to help them, to listen to them, to support them emotionally or materially. Are we like Mary being sensitive to others’ needs? Do we feel the need, pain, anxiety, and fear of those people who are being affected by the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan? Although they are far away from us, we cannot render immediate help. We can still support them by donating and praying for them.
The second lesson we learn from Mary is the spirit of fasting. Upon hearing the news of her cousin’s conception, Mary rose up at that time and went with all haste to a town of Judah, in the hill country where Zachariah and Elizabeth dwelt. In order to help her cousin, Mary came out of her comfort zone and went into a hill country. A hill country, we can imagine, two thousand years ago, how difficult it would have been to travel on the bumpy road. Yet Mary was willing to endure all the unpleasantness of the journey to give assistance to Elizabeth. This is the spirit of fasting, fasting by giving up one’s own pleasure and comfort for God and others, to be God and other centered.
The third lesson we can learn from Mary is about prayer. After greeting her cousin, upon hearing Elizabeth’s response of praise, Mary responded spontaneously by saying, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord …” What a natural prayer of praise! Mary did not go into a prayer room to pray. She could pray at any place and time because she was always conscious of God’s presence. Prayer filled her life. During the season, we are exalted to pray constantly. We need to learn to make every moment of our life a time of prayer.

The fourth lesson we learn from Mary is about almsgiving. According to St. Luke’s account, Mary stayed with her cousin for three months. We know that three in the bible is a complete number. Therefore, we can say that Mary stayed and served Elizabeth till everything completed. The alms that Mary gave to her cousin was not money but care and time. We may be poor in material things but we can be like Mary to give our time, care and concern to those who are needy and lonely.
Therefore, let us learn from and emulate Mary in this Lenten season, to grow in sensitivity to peoples’ needs; to have a true spirit of fasting, to be willing to give up our personal pleasure and comfort for God and others; to pray always and fill our daily life and activities with prayer. Through these Lenten practices, like Mary, we will also be able to bring Jesus to other peoples’ lives.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Reflection: Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord (Br David Arulnatham)

Today as the church celebrates the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord, the whole church kneels at the words of the creed, “Et incarnates… and was made man”. This solemnity recalls the announcement of the Word taking flesh to be born through the person of Mary. “The Word became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his Glory, the Glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth” John 1:14. This is the moment in time in Salvation History where God endows Mary with an over abundance of grace to prepare her to play the role of the divine motherhood – the mother of God. Jesus the awaited Messiah from the line of David is to be born to redeem humanity back to the Father which was alienated from him as a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. We recall today the Almighty and most Merciful Father stooping down to humanity in his faithfulness and Mary’s “YES” to the will of the Father.
The church acknowledges this by reciting the “Angelus” throughout the year at the break of the day, at noon and at sunset with the exception of the Easter season where during this time the “Regina Coeli” is prayed. For those of us who are not aware of the Angelus, I have inserted the whole prayer below.
The Angelus
And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary . . .
Behold the handmaid of the Lord:
Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
Hail Mary . . .
And the Word was made Flesh:
And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary . . .
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
-Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts;
that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son,
was made known by the message of an angel,
may by His Passion and Cross
be brought to the glory of His Resurrection,
through the same Christ Our Lord.
Let us continue to pray the Angelus daily and fervently so that it becomes incarnate in us changing us to become the self intended by God the Father for each us. Let us in our daily living live the image and likeness of God so as to earn ourselves eternal life with the Father Son and the Holy Spirit in his eternal kingdom.
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Joseph Zhang on 27th Mar 2011.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Reflection on Psalm 95 (Br Aloysius Tan)
In this season of Lent, I have been trying to figure out what I should do or not do to have a meaningful Lent. Again, looking back at my disposition, I seem to do things in order to live out the “invitation” of God and to listen to his voice.

Last week’s Conversion Experience Retreat (CER) at the Catholic Spirituality Center (CSC) indeed gave me new insight when I pray this psalm. The hardened heart in fact not only refers to the heart that strayed from God but also a heart that is insensitive to His words, a heart that does not grief over sins and is indifferent. The process of the retreat invited me to consider the compassionate love of God, my relationship with Him and the sins which separated me from God. It challenged me:
Firstly, to acknowledge my weaknesses and sins in a “plain” way. What is this “plain way”? When I (or perhaps many of us) confess my sins or when I acknowledge my wrongdoings, it doesn't always come as a simple sentence. It comes with a whole packaging of words, adjectives to describe it, to justify it or to water it down. I was made aware that the word “packaging” caused by the hardened heart meant not “fully” acknowledging my fault but confessing it half heartedly. Didn’t the Israelites in Meribah also do the same?
Secondly, to see how my pride contributed in “helping” me build an invisible wall which blocked me from being vulnerable in the presence of God. I became more and more immuned to my sins, telling myself I do not commit BIG sins and thereby trapping myself under the plan of the devil. The pride of self-righteousness is indeed a “stepping stone” that leads me to fall into greater sins.

I thank God for this great awareness which reveals to me that I am indeed very much like the Israelites who did not listen wholeheartedly to God’s voice, and my heart has gradually become hardened through my self-righteousness and my inability to confess: “Lord, have mercy on me for I have sinned." I seem to water it down with “because, maybe or perhaps......”.
After this awakening experience, I thank God for the grace to make a good confession. The best gift for me is to continue my Lenten journey. It is the gift of realising how the words “O that today you would listen to his voice: harden not your hearts” are the words God spoke to me clearly and loudly. I pray that this word will continue to lead me in my journey towards God and in my ministry of following the heart of my Shepherd.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stay tuned for the next post by Br David Arulanatham on 25th Mar 2011.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Annual Retreat break
Thank you for your continued support for our blog.
We shall be taking a short break from our postings in view of our upcoming annual retreat from 16-20 Mar 2011.

Stay tuned for our next posting on 23rd Mar 2011.
Once again, thank you and God Bless !
The Blogmaster
Friday, March 11, 2011
Reflections on Ephesians 6:10-18 (Br Nicholas Lye)
War is inevitable. Whether our battlefields are in school, the workplace, at home, or even in our hearts, whether our opponents are strangers, enemies, friends or even ourselves, everyday we face the possibility of getting ambushed, attacked, wounded, or thrown into a cloud of confusion.
In the midst of our daily battles, we sometimes try to flee - by denying, ignoring, or drowning ourselves in other distractions that may give temporary relief, but we never really succeed in finding any sense of peace. We try to fight with clenched teeth and fists, angry and spiteful of the whole situation, trying to throw blame on our opponents who 'started the war', and hope to put an end to war by putting an end to our opponents, but we eventually end up even more tired, frustrated, defeated.
But do we know who we are fighting against really? Do we know who is on our side of the battle really? Do we know how best to prepare ourselves for the inevitable war in our daily lives?
"Finally, be strong in the Lord with his energy and strength. Put on the whole armour of God to be able to resist the cunning of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the rulers and authorities and their dark powers that govern this world. We are struggling against the spirits and supernatural forces of evil. Therefore put on the whole armour of God, that in the evil day, you may resist and stand your ground, making use of all your weapons." (Ephesians 6:10-13)
Whenever I got angry with someone, for whatever the person may have done wrong in my eyes, I set up my war zone against the person, thinking that the person started the war in the first place. Little that I know that the real enemy was putting these evil thoughts in my head, without realising I was raging war with someone on the same side! As much as I thought that the war was with another individual, I was actually unknowingly battling against the evil one who was using my emotions to hurt my fellow brother-in-Christ, or worse, to unknowingly cause harm to my own self.
Yet, we need not flee, for the Lord is calling us to resist and stand our ground, standing firmly in the truth that we are His soldiers, that we all belong to God's army. We need not clench our teeth, but open our mouths and make a (war) cry to our Lord to lead us in our battles. We need not clench our fists, but open our hands to surrender to the (battle) plans of our Lord, to surrender to the power and might of our King of Kings, and receive the weapons that He places upon us to fight the inevitable war of our lives.
"Take truth as your belt, justice as your breastplate, and zeal as your shoes to propogate the Gospel of peace." (Ephesians 6:14-15)
Truth as your belt
Whenever I get ambushed by an event or person that makes me yearn for marriage, or resentful of what I have been called to give up as a result of my priestly calling, what holds me together, keeps me from falling apart and losing myself in the midst of the frustration and turmoil, is the Truth that the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11), the truth that God remains faithful to me, giving me something greater each time He takes away someone dear to me, the truth that I am a beloved child of God whom God will always want the best for me.
It is in these trying moments when we find ourselves falling apart, or losing a part of ourselves, it is when we turn to these 'anchor points' of truth in our lives, the truth of God's faithfulness, mercy and love revealed in past events or situations or revelations or experiences, that we can rely on this TRUTH to hold us together, and bind us to the love and faithfulness of Christ.
Justice as your breastplate
Whenever I find myself caught in cross-fire, caught in an unfavourable or awkward situation, or deeply misunderstood or unintentionally hurt by another person, the 'misfire' can truly sink deep through the chest and into the heart, causing a searing pain of anguish and bitterness. Yet, often when I am reminded to rely on God's justice and righteousness, and not on my own act of fighting for justice for myself, eventually things get resolved into a happy ending, but only when I allow God to work in His time, for His justice to prevail at the appropriate time. Mother Mary herself, forewarned of a sword that will pierce her heart, had justice as her breastplate to protect her and allow her to continue surrendering to the plans of God, even while seeing her Son dying on the cross, trusting that God's justice and righteousness will prevail in time to come - and sure enough in His resurrection!
It is never easy to be misunderstood or hurt. But when we build our trust and dependance on the Lord's justice, we build a protection over our hearts, preventing ourselves from getting hurt too deeply, but allowing truth and righteousness to prevail in God's time.
Zeal as your shoes
Very often, it is in my most troubled times and hurting situations that I become prone to hurting others out of my own mood swings or temperament. Only with Truth to hold me together in times of turmoil, and justice to protect me from hurting blows, will I then be able to maintain inner peace in my heart, channel God's love into my life, and thereby put on zeal and enthusiasm in propogating and promoting this great peace of God to all around me, all who may be similarly wounded or affected by the war in their lives. It is in keeping peace in my heart that I can then keep on tirelessly spreading God's great peace to others.
"Always hold in your hand the shield of faith to repel the flaming arrows of the devil. Finally, use the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, that is, the Word of God." (Ephesians 6:16-17)
Shield of faith
"Faith is the way of holding onto what we hope for, being certain of what we cannot see." (Hebrews 11:1) In my constant battles when flaming arrows of doubt and discouragement rain down on me, faith can sometimes seem to be the only way out, or what I call the 'easy way out', where even when it doesn't seem to make sense, even when it sounds most ridiculous, even when it goes against my human desire, I just cover myself with the shield of faith and simply hide in the total care, protection and comfort of my Lord, trusting fully in faith that He will watch over me, He will protect me, and He will lead and guide me out not only to safety, but to the best possible plan for me, even if I am unable to see or be certain of what's ahead of me.
Helmet of salvation
When I only focus on the kind of earthly life I want to lead, the kind of earthly comforts or securities I want to have, I begin to miss out or shortchange myself of the heavenly life prepared for me. I get caught up with the petty defeats or losses on the ground until I put on the helmet of salvation and bring to my mind the greater life God wants me to have in His heavenly kingdom. And this is a kingdom I don't have to wait til I die, for so long as I keep my thoughts and mind focused on the heavenly life meant for me, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." When I begin to live life with the heavenly kingdom in mind, I no longer get easily troubled by the earthly things I miss out or am deprived of, but can more fully claim the heavenly blessings that will stay with me deep in my heart, where no claymore mine or tripflare can ever surprise me and blow it away from me.
Sword of the Spirit
"For the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12) Under the darkest of days or gloomiest of skies filled with overhead missiles flying across my head, it has always been the Word of God that continues to comfort me when I'm down, encourage me when I'm tired, assure me when I feel doubtful, embrace me when I feel alone, heal me when I get hurt, lift me when I am defeated, and the list goes on. If not for the daily readings I try to keep to, I may not be holding my head up high towards the gloomy war scene and release my clenched teeth to cry out to my God, release my clenched fists to surrender to His divine plan, and open my hands to receive Victory in my life.
"Pray at all times as the Spirit inspires you. Keep watch, together with sustained prayer and supplication for all the holy ones." (Ephesians 6:18)
Even if at this present moment, our lives seem to be at peace, St Paul warns the Ephesians that peace is only provisional, for the evil one is waiting for his hour to bring about war. And so in whatever battle we find ourselves fighting or not fighting, we are together still standing on the side of Christ in the inevitable war against Good and Evil. Let us continue to persevere in prayer for one another, especially those caught in the midst of their own battles, that we may depend on the weapons of Christ bestowed on us, put on the armour that God personally places upon us, and stand our ground with open hands, surrendering not to the Enemy, but to the love of Christ that will make us cry out with conviction and strength:
"This is War. But this is our Victory!"
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Reflections on Psalm 84 (Br Gabriel Wong)
“….Unbelievable sights. Indescribable feelings. Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky. A whole new world. Don’t you dare close your eyes. A hundred thousand things to see. Hold your breath, it gets better…”

Monday, March 7, 2011
Reflection: Tria Munera for the purpose of Discernment (Br Simon Anand)
In relation to the process and the importance of discernment, or in layman terms, the process of decision making particularly with regards to our spiritual growth, three elements: the Mountain, the Temple and the Throne, have been situated very significantly in the biblical history of salvation.
The Mountain has commonly been perceived as a place where God dwells in order to convey His Teachings. This is very clear in the scenes of the Ten Commandments (Ex 20) and the delivery of the Beatitudes (Mt 5:1). The Temple, on the other hand, has the aspect of sacrifice. Again, both the Old and New Testaments advocate this point to great heights especially when Jesus constantly focuses on Jerusalem where the Temple is located as His climax in relation to His own sacrifice of Self (Lk 19: 28-48). Lastly, the Throne is a symbol of authority of a judge or Judgement. And needless to say, this is evident especially in the Book of Revelation which communicates to us in rather a metaphorical way of Christ’s Second Advent (Parousia) to judge all the nations on earth. (Rev 20:11)
Thus, the need to listen to God’s Teaching, respond in the form of sacrifice (might not necessarily be physical or literal sacrifice), and judge to bring about Metanoia seem to be key to discernment. Were we to examine when these three elements flow smoothly in our lives, we own conviction and conversion as our standpoint. However, complacency and loss of the sense of direction could be the result of elimination or disregard of one or all of these three elements. Having said so, it is crucial to reckon that all of these aforementioned roles should bridge from being a mere knowledge in our Intellect to a passion in our life. Otherwise, it provides nothing more than a proper epistemological definition.
To add on, if Eucharist is the source and the summit of our lives, I can understand now why in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Mass, we keep our focus on the Lectern from where the Word of God is proclaimed, the Altar where Christ’s sacrifice of the cross is “re-presented” and the Presiding Chair, the throne on which God sits in a sacramental sense.
So, let us pray for this grace today that God may continue to open our hearts and our whole being in order to welcome the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every decision we make especially as we share the divinity of Christ as Prophet to proclaim God’s Word, as Priest to offer sacrifice and as King to make proper judgment of our lives in accordance to the promptings of the Spirit.
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Gabriel Wong on 9th Mar 2011.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Reflection on Psalm 50 (Br Joachim Robert)
In psalm 50, King David pleads to God for mercy and forgiveness for his sins, and he begs to be reconciled with God. He recognizes his faults and longs to be in God’s loving embrace. Therefore, he turns to God because he recognizes the constant love of God as he cries out:
A pure heart create for me O God
Put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence
Nor deprive me of your Holy Spirit.

Stay tuned for the next post by Br Simon Anand on 7th Mar 2011.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Reflection: Rosy Cheeks or Blind & Bogay (Br Terence Kesavan)
"How do you tell the difference between a person in heaven and a person in hell?"While this riddle takes what Jesus said in the Gospel (Mt 5:38-48) literally, it does help us visualize the difference between the life of love and the life of hatred. The life of hatred allows hatred and vengeance to perpetuate which will result in a world full of blind and toothless people. But in a world of love and forgiveness, the one who receives injury or insult, puts a stop to it by not taking revenge. He in fact tries to further eradicate hatred by "going that extra mile", by loving the enemy. In loving the enemy, it is not so much doing something good to gain our own salvation, but by loving the enemy, we are trying to help change the person to be better person.
"One has a halo and wings, the other has horns?"
"No. The one in heaven has rosy cheeks and is fit and muscular, the one in hell is blind and bogay (no teeth)".
"How is that so?"
"Because the one in hell takes a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. The one in heaven has rosy cheeks because he offers the other cheek when he is slapped, and fit because he walks two miles when others walk one."
In the battle between good and evil, love and hate, I use scenes from two movies to remind of what Christ was trying to teach us.
First in the movie "Fearless" starring Jet Li, we see the cycle of hatred going on, when first Jet Li's disciple is beaten up by, he goes to take revenge and ends up killing his rival. His rival's godson then takes revenge by killing his wife and child. Jet Li then goes to his rival's house, but before he can get his revenge, the rival's godson commits suicide, denied of his revenge, he turns to his rival's wife and child. In the principle of an eye for an eye, he could have had his revenge for what he himself lost. But he comes to his senses, and walks away. Thus we see how hatred can only stop when one party decides not to revenge a hurt.
The second movie, illustrates Christ call to love. In the movie, Pay It Forward, a boy Trevor starts a class assignment on a plan to make the world a better place. He decides to do 3 good deeds and he tells the recipients of the good deeds not to repay him, but to do 3 good deeds to someone else. In one chain we see Trevor helping his mum, who in turn forgives her mother, who helps a gang member, who in turn saves a girl's life, and then the Father of the girl gives away his car to a journalist whose car was smashed. At the end of the movie, we see how one boy's initiative touches the lives of so many people.
This is the question that we are faced with - Do we want to be part of the chain that passes on hatred, or the chain that spreads love?
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Joachim Robert on 5th Mar 2011.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Reflection: Light or Blind Spots - Which would you choose? (Br Anthony Liew)
How about our spiritual blind spots? We are blind when we choose to remain in our sinful way or in darkness. Who can help us to be conscious of these spiritual blind spots? Indeed, we are in great need of Christ, the light who died on the cross out of His love for us and for our salvation. This light of Christ can deliver us from the dominion of darkness and transfer us to the kingdom of his beloved son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin (cf. Col 1:12-14). This effort in receiving Christ our light depends very much on the effort of our spiritual exercises. As we are approaching the Lenten season soon, let us prepare ourselves in deepening our faith, hope and love in Christ our Saviour through fasting, almsgivings and prayers. Hopefully we can truly ask ourselves these questions during Lent: How much do our spiritual exercises help us to discover these spiritual blind spots and ultimately through God’s grace to come out of them? Have we developed a closer relationship with God our light?
Stay tuned for the next post by Br Terence Kesavan on 3rd Mar 2011.